As December comes to an end and January 2017 is fast-approaching, it's hard not to lose myself in moments of reflection and deep thoughts. A lot has happened in 2016, not much that I can applaud for but nonetheless, they have happened. Was 2016 "my year"? Absolutely not. It's been a trifling twelve months of ups-and-downs, stagnation and feelings of doubt. Of course, there have been amazing moments that occurred. I'm alive, aren't I? That is something to always celebrate. Everyone who has an impact in my life is alive and well, which is always a blessing to take note of. But I still can't help but feel like 2016 failed to be the year that I made any major moves. I think I suffered from the so-common "creative block" which I thought would last a few weeks but turned out to summarize the entire year. No matter how hard I tried, nothing felt the same. From drawing to writing to photography, I just couldn't find that "spark" that had been the fuel to my energy all along. Am I discouraged from continuing my crafts into 2017? Oh, definitely NO. If anything it makes me crave for a creative breakthrough even more. I'm done with being "out of ideas" and slumping my way through the days. Once more I want to feel the uplifting energy that creating gifts me with. And what better time to pursue on New Years Eve?
Thoughts to carry into 2017
It is important to express yourself in any way that frees you. For awhile, that vessel of freedom was through drawing; time has passed and I haven't returned to my craft (mostly due to time and pressures to let that "art stuff" go) which has left an open void in my spirit for quite some time. Fortunately, God has blessed me with multiple talents and writing is one of them. I was able to venture into writing around my adolescence and from there it's branched into what you're reading right now: my blog. I've been able to attract quite a few offers through my platform which I am always so humbled & amazed by. (You can see my features and collaborations on my PRESS page) Often, the thought of Imagine if I was more open about my craft, what more could I achieve? crosses my mind and the possibilities are enough to keep me going. I believe in myself so much. I believe in every single crazy outward "impossible" dream I've silently planted in my head. It's the execution and path that scares me. But I'm not letting that hinder me any longer. I want this to be the year I become a force and speak through actions.
- Be more aggressive. Tackle your problems. Eradicate all doubts.
- But still allow yourself to be soft. To be vulnerable. To be loved.
- Creativity is a Godly gift, don't shame what He has given you. Become bold in your crafts. Make use of what you have and share it with others in upliftment.
- Network, network, network! Tear out from your comfort zone every once and awhile and love doing it. It's terrifying but it will free you.
- Learn how to study in a way that works for you. Your future is being molded in the works done today in your studies/academics.
- Love! Compliment more people; photograph yourself smiling more often; be comfortable.
- Mentor. You cannot live your whole life being a "sponge" absorbing everything given to you. You have to continue the favor. Teach someone.
- Go to the gym and master a workout that keeps you balanced. The goal is to feel fit. Listen to your body more. No beef, no pork. More veggies. Drink lots of water. Breathe. Meditate. PRAY. PRAY. PRAY. Sleep. Cry if you need to. And rise after each fall.
IN 2017 I DECREE AND I DECLARE, I WILL ACCOMPLISH... the relaunch of my blog. A bigger and connected audience. An internship that will open doors for opportunities and jobs. Financial growth for myself and those in my intimate circle. Spiritual re connection. Build a solid friendship/support system. Be featured/interviewed in a magazine, website and/or blog. Create at least 2 major creative projects. Become a better communicator. Make it to Dean's List.
The thought of your presence can no longer scare me.
I'm ready for your blessings.
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